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Smart Grid

Smart grid is the intelligence of power grid, also known as "Grid 2.0". It is built on the basis of integrated, high-speed two-way communication network. Through the application of advanced sensing and measurement technology, advanced equipment technology, advanced control methods and advanced decision support system technology, it realizes the goals of reliable, safe, economical, efficient, environmentally friendly and safe use of power grid. Its main features include self-healing, motivating and protecting users, resisting attacks, providing power quality that meets user needs, allowing access to various forms of power generation, launching electricity market and optimizing and efficient operation of assets.

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Smart Grid

Enhanced system flexibility

Through the coordinated use of contactors and circuit breakers, the system can respond to various changes more flexibly. Whether it is the increase or decrease of load or the change of grid conditions, they can quickly adjust the working state to ensure the stable operation of the system.


Improve equipment life

By precisely controlling the start and stop of motors and timely cutting off abnormal currents, contactors and circuit breakers help extend the life of equipment. This reduces the frequency of equipment replacement and maintenance costs, bringing long-term economic benefits to enterprises.


Promote the modernization of energy management

With the continuous development of smart grids and energy management systems, contactors and circuit breakers, as important components, help to achieve the modernization of energy management. They provide accurate data support, enabling managers to monitor and analyze energy usage in real time, so as to make more scientific and reasonable energy management decisions.


State Grid, China Southern Power Grid, Pinggao Group, Xuji Group, KEDA Intelligent, Xinxin Electric Power, Mengxi Electric Power, Wenshan Electric Power, Zijin Mining, etc.

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