CNTBB10 series of high-voltage reactive power compensation devices
CNTBB10 series of high-voltage reactive power compensation devices

High-Voltage Reactive Power Compensation Device

This series of high-voltage reactive power automatic compensation device, according to the total amount of reactive power to be compensated according to the need, the capacitor is divided into several groups of equal capacity or unequal capacity as required, using vacuum circuit breaker or special switching vacuum contactor as the switching switch, through the microcomputer control system to track the collected grid voltage and current signals, automatically calculate the required reactive power compensation, flexible and convenient control of the amount of capacitor input, fully improve the efficiency of high-voltage shunt capacitors, maintain the best voltage quality and no power of the power grid, and reduce losses. This product meets the requirements of GB50227-1995 "Technical Specifications for the Design of Shunt Capacitor Devices" and DL/T604 "Technical Conditions for Ordering High-voltage Shunt Capacitor Devices".


Unit structure, each set of devices has a control and protection unit, a wire inlet cabinet unit and a high-voltage switching capacitor unit determined according to the number of different groups, and each unit is connected to each other for easy maintenance.


The complete set of equipment is installed on each unit observation window, live display, operation indicator light, etc., and electromagnetic locks are installed in the operating mechanism of the incoming unit and each unit to meet the requirements of five preventions, which is convenient for users to observe and ensure the safe operation of the equipment.


According to the harmonic situation of the system, the reactance rate of each group of circuit reactors is calculated, and 1% - 12% dry-type series reactors are installed respectively to reduce the overvoltage of the system, limit and reduce the inrush current of closing, suppress the high-order harmonics of the system, avoid resonance, and protect the reliable operation of the capacitors.


It has protection functions such as over-voltage, under-voltage, open triangle protection, unbalance protection, over-current protection, etc.


Automatic reactive power compensation, according to the principle of voltage priority, according to the reactive power size of the automatic switching capacitor bank, so that the system is always in the state of overvoltage, less under-overcompensation, and less reactive power loss.


It can control one to two sections of bus, one to eight groups of capacitors, and automatically judge the operation of two sections of the substation, which can be independently controlled by the two sections of the bus at the same time (separate control), and can be controlled in parallel according to the two sections of the bus, or a single section of the bus can be controlled in a single row.

Rated voltage 6kV、10kV、35kV
Rated capacity ≤6000kvar(6kV)、≤12000kvar(10kV)、≤30000kvar(35kV)
The number of switching paths of the capacitor 1~4 routes
Capacitor wiring method Single or double star
Pitching method Automatic, manual optional
Reactance rate The appropriate reactance rate (1%, 4.5%-6%, 12%) can be selected according to the inrush current and harmonic conditions.
Installation: Indoor cabinet type, outdoor frame type
Control voltage 220VAC or 220VDC
Sample the signal Voltage transformer secondary voltage (100V), current transformer secondary current (5A)

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