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Chennuo Group's outstanding employees in 2023!

Time:2024-04-29 02:04:58 From:Chennuo Electric

Chennuo Group’s 2023 Outstanding Employees List Announced Best Rookie Award: Dong Xingxing Youth is in the prime of life, and her young face is ...

Chennuo Group’s 2023 Outstanding Employees List Announced

  Best Rookie Award: Dong Xingxing


Youth is in the prime of life, and her young face is always full of smiles, optimistic and cheerful. In a new position and a new environment, she demonstrates her own value with enthusiasm and practical actions. She is diligent, studious, and conscientious. She is the rising star of the younger generation --- Dong Xingxing, congratulations on winning the Chennuo Group's 2023 Best Rookie Award. In 2024, may you shine on the road together!

Outstanding employees: Xu Hui, Jiao Yugang, Sun Jiajia


The strong wind knows the strong grass and the fierce fire practices the golden elixir. They are the pacesetters in the advancement and the flag among the pacesetters. Most of them are in ordinary positions and do ordinary work. Even in the most ordinary positions, they can perform at the highest standards, Showing their own life value, they have proved with practical actions that gold will shine wherever it is. They are the outstanding representatives of Chennuo - Jiao Yugang, Xu Hui, and Sun Jiajia. Congratulations to you for winning the 2023 Excellent Employee Award of Chennuo Group in 2024. , the future is promising!

Best Improvement Award: Chen Yuxing


Confidence and perseverance are your mark, diligence and hard work are your attitude towards work, good at studying, loving thinking, making breakthroughs again and again, blooming with the joy of youth, uneasy about the status quo, and having the courage to challenge yourself. He is the representative of young power-- Chen Yuxing, congratulations on winning the 2023 Best Progress Award of Chennuo Group. In 2024, move forward and achieve great results!

Position Skills Model Award: Zhao Yiming, Wang Yangyang

His style is capable, handsome, and resolute. He has excellent professional skills and sticks to his job. He is courageous and willing to try. He is humorous and can always make people happy. He is the little assembly expert - Wang Yangyang. Congratulations on winning the 2023 Best Progress Award of Chennuo Group. In the new year, I hope you will ride the wind and waves and create greater glory!

Work hard and not be afraid of the hardships ahead, bow your head and be willing to be a Ruzi Niu. He is an unknown cultivator. He is skilled, diligent, diligent, and outstanding in his work. He is a well-deserved mainstay. He is hard-working and down-to-earth - Zhao Yiming, congratulations on winning Chennuo Group's 2023 Job Skills Pacesetter Award. Let's work hard together in 2024!

Annual Sales Champion Award: Li Xiangfeng


Riding the wind and waves, the brave climb the mountain, the stars do not care about the traveler, and the time pays off to those who are determined. His professional knowledge has convinced customers, he has shown his style at the forefront of marketing, created impressive achievements in the market, and is in an unfair crisis. He is Li Xiangfeng. Congratulations on winning the 2023 Sales Champion Award of Chennuo Group. Stay true to your original aspirations and create greater glory in 2024!

Excellent Management Award: Li Zhongyi


For several years, I persisted silently, used practical actions to inspire, used personality charm to influence, used professional knowledge to guide, and used rich experience to deal with it. With extraordinary leadership and organizational skills, I created a super team that listens to the wind and obeys orders. A team with strong execution ability is the real manager. He is the leader of our sheet metal workshop team - Li Zhongyi. Congratulations on winning the 2023 Excellent Management Award of Chennuo Group. Chennuo will be wonderful because of you. In 2024 we will Move forward courageously!

Loyalty Award (5-9 years)


They have been on the same road for several years through trials and hardships, and they have made great achievements without regrets in their youth. They care about the company, are conscientious and willing to contribute. They regard their work as their mission and their dedication as a habit. They use practice to tell the meaning of perseverance. They are : Dong Hongtao, Zhao Yage, Liao Hongqin, Liu Jingjing, Dong Haifeng, Zhao Yiming, Zhu Gezhen, Luo Yuhui, Hu Miaorong, Li Zhongyi, Jiang Hongjie, Li Hairong, congratulations on winning the Chennuo Group's 2023 Loyalty Award. Let's move forward hand in hand in 2024!

Loyalty Award 10 years and above

We have stayed with each other through thick and thin, and I am grateful to you who have been in love the longest. I am grateful to you for your perseverance. I have followed the company for 10 years. It is precisely because of your protection that Chennuo continues to grow and strengthen, and it has been like a day for several years. The spirit of conscientiousness shines like a dazzling star diamond. They are: Zhu Yufang, Lu Jianfeng, Zhao Jun, Song Caili, Yin Xiaowen, Wei Xiaolong, and Li Xiangfeng. Congratulations on winning the 2023 Loyalty Award of Chennuo Group. In the next 20 and 30 years, I look forward to always having you and having you.
Excellent Team Award

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. They focus on the technical field, work hard, strive to improve quality and efficiency, and optimize and upgrade. They insist on innovation and change, and overcome difficulties. They are full of energy, dare to challenge themselves, work closely, and work together. Support, they are the elites from the Technology Department. Congratulations on winning the 2023 Excellent Team Award of Chennuo Group.

In 2024, we will move forward side by side and create miracles.

  Touching Chen Nobel Prize: Wei Xiaolong
Responsibility, loyalty, dedication, responsibility... do not compromise in the face of pressure, and execute when faced with orders. Even in difficult moments, when a person takes on a task for a group, he does not flinch at all. He is fearless of hardships, forge ahead with determination, and always strives for success. On the front line of production, he led the team to create records in a race against time, just to deliver on time and live up to every trust of customers. He is dedicated to his duties - Wei Xiaolong, congratulations on winning the Chennuo Group's 2023 Touching Morning Award. Nobel Prize, walk hand in hand in 2024 and move forward courageously.
Science and Technology Progress Award: Hou Dongbo


Searching for the truth in the world of science and technology and creating classics in the ocean of knowledge, subtlety and restraint are his true nature, and professionalism and concentration are his character. Every product improvement and innovation is inseparable from his long-term research and After careful consideration, in 2023, he presided over the successful test of the ZW7 miniaturized product, and achieved the domestic leading level in switch performance. The isolating switch and electric mechanism reached the advanced level in the industry, adding new core competitiveness to Chennuo Group and providing Chennuo Group with a new core competitiveness. Guaranteeing the take-off of Nuo Group, he is Hou Dongbo from the Technology Department. Thank you for your efforts. In 2024, we will continue to innovate and climb to new heights!

Golden Spoon Award: Zhang Wanxin, Zhang Songxia

There are no fancy words, only hard-working and serious figures. The kitchen is their working place, and spoons and knives are their weapons. They work tirelessly just to prepare a good meal for the day. Safe, clean and delicious food is created from their hands. They are the most beautiful scenery of Chennuo. They are the chefs of Chennuo---Zhang Wanxin and Zhang Songxia. Congratulations on winning the 2023 Golden Spoon Award of Chennuo Group. We will work hand in hand in 2024 to create more delicious dishes.




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